Thursday, May 19, marks the end of the current Legislative session and the passing of the BC Liberal government’s balanced budget. Sadly, while BC may be in the black, public education is surely in the red. As part of a joint FACE-PAN campaign — #bcedinred — FACE has been tracking school district budget shortfalls. As of Wednesday, May 18, half of the 60 School Boards had reported operating budget shortfalls with a combined total of $84.1 >> read the rest of the media statement and share (pdf)
Share the image above (save to your computer/device or use your browser "share" function) to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and any other social media network you're on and include the hashtag #bcedinred and encourage your friends to share as well. THE TIME IS NOW! #BCEDINRED
Due to chronic underfunding of public education, schools across BC are facing dramatic shortfalls that will affect the quality of education for our kids. Districts must maintain balanced budgets, in order to accomplish this, they must decide what programs and services to shut down. Send the message to our government that we do not want a budget balanced on the backs of our children. Below you can find different ways to take action and spread the word. Special thanks to FACE for the email tool.
I oppose balancing the BC budget on the backs of public schools. @Mike_A_Bernier stop chronic underfunding of our schools #bcedinred #bced
Share this image to facebook then add a personal message with the hashtag #BCEDINRED. If your message is set to "public," your friends can share too.
Let your MLA and the Minister of Education know how these cuts will affect your child and family. Thanks to FACE for this handy email tool.